The number of immigrants with jobs in Canada continues to rise as foreign-born workers make up a larger percentage of the Canadian labor force. Statistics Canada reported on December 31, 2018, that immigrants account for 26% of the people 25-54 years of age working in Canada, compared to 74% who are Canadian-born workers. Additionally, the rate of employment in Canada for immigrants is now the highest in over a decade (since 2006). The data also shows that 49.5% of immigrants working in Canada have a university degree, compared with 30.3% of workers born in Canada. British Columbia and Ontario have the highest percentage of immigrants in the labor force of any Canadian province or territory. Toronto continues to have a high percentage of immigrants (37 percent) in its work force, according to the data. The Statistics Canada report says, «Most of the growth in immigrant employment was in professional, scientific and technical services; finance, insurance, real estate and leasing services; manufacturing as well as health care and social assistance,» To read more, click here!